Information and Care Sheet

Red Eyed Tree Frog Toys for All Ages

Red eyed tree frog toys are available for all ages and make wonderful gifts.  What better way to spread a little colorful joy to...

The Wonder of Red Eyed Tree Frog Skin

The first thing you notice about the red eyed tree frog is its bright green skin and bold red eyes. Color is not the...

Habitat and Housing

Helpful Tips

Red Eyed Tree Frog Feeding

To see a red eyed tree frog feeding is certainly an amazing sight. This frog...

A Day in the Life of the Red Eyed Tree Frog in the Wild

The red eyed tree frog in the wild uses natural camouflage to blend into the...

Red Eyed Tree Frog Supplies for a Healthy Environment

In order to establish the best habitat for your red eyed tree frog, you will...

A Highly Vocal Amphibian: Red Eyed Tree Frog Calling

The sound of the red eyed tree frog enriches the night air of the rainforest...

Red Eyed Tree Frog Breeding in Nature

Red eyed tree frog breeding takes place during the rainy season between October and March....

Red Eyed Tree Frog as a Pet

The red eyed tree frog as a pet is very interesting to observe. They are...
