A Day in the Life of the Red Eyed Tree Frog in the Wild

The red eyed tree frog in the wild uses natural camouflage to blend into the green leaves of its home in the rainforests of Central and South America.  This colorful amphibian thrives in the high treetops, sleeping during the day and awaking at night to feed and mate.  A typical 24-hour period for the red eyed tree frog in the wild is detailed below.

Sleeping In

The red eyed tree frog is nocturnal by nature, sleeping during the day tucked into itself for protection from predators.  It clings to the underside of leaves high in the treetops for maximum coverage.  The red eyed tree frog’s special toe pads secrete a fluid to help create friction between its toes and the surface.

When resting, the red eyed tree frog closes one of its three eyelids that allow it to shield its bright red eyes yet keep a vigilant lookout for predators.  If the red eyed tree frog is approached by a predator, it relies on startle coloration to delay the predator long enough so it can make a hasty escape.

A snake approaches, stealthily slithering up the branch of the tree.  The frog sights the snake and abruptly opens its eyes, revealing bright red.  The red eyed tree frog uncovers its legs, revealing its orange feet and blue and yellow striped sides.  The snake is momentarily dazzled by the color.  Quickly, the frog darts away and conceals itself again.  The red eyed tree frog is safe from the snake.

Night Life

Red Eyed Tree Frog Daily LifeThe rainforest awakens at night with an orchestra of frog song echoing through the trees.  The chorus created by red eyed tree frogs in the wild is truly amazing.  The male will call out to show dominance among other males who are vying for the attentions of females in order to fertilize her eggs.

Once a suitable female is found, the male frog will latch onto the back of the female with its legs.  The male fertilizes each clutch of eggs as the female releases them.  She then re-hydrates between each egg clutch by jumping to the water below with the male still on her back.

The red eyed tree frog feeds at night as well, capturing prey such as moths, flies, mosquitoes and grasshoppers with its rapid tongue.  The frog either sits and waits for prey to approach or goes hunting for food.

This is all normal activity for the red eyed tree frog in the wild.  They are amazing, colorful, beautiful animals that call the rainforest their home.  The rainforest provides the right temperature, humidity, plants and food for the red eyed tree frog to thrive in this environment.  They are gifted with natural defenses to help protect them from predators.  The red eyed tree frog lives up to five years in the wild.