A Highly Vocal Amphibian: Red Eyed Tree Frog Calling

The sound of the red eyed tree frog enriches the night air of the rainforest with a chorus that reverberates throughout the treetops. The amazing red eyed tree frog emits a unique sound for various situations. The most sound is heard during mating, when the male frog is searching for a female. No matter the situation, red eyed tree frog calling is unique and signifies different occurrences or moods.

How the Call is Made

The red eyed tree frog makes a call by passing air through the larynx in the throat. The sound is then amplified by vocal sacs, which are skin membranes located under the throat. With these sacs filled with air, the frog can call continuously, even under water. Most calls made by the red eyed tree frog are made with their mouth closed.

A Variety of Calls

The main reason the red eyed tree frog uses its special calling ability is to attract a mate. Therefore, it is predominantly the male that emits sound. During mating season, a male frog will call individually or as part of a group called a chorus. Females will answer back with a call if her eggs are ready.

Frog CallingThere is a rain call that is sounded by the red eyed tree frog when the humidity level indicates rain. Male frogs will also make a special call when battling over territory with other males. This call is used to chase away other male frogs. When they are in danger, the red eyed tree frog will emit a distress call with its mouth open, which produces a more high-pitched call.

The distress call of the red eyed tree frog is believed to draw the attention of a predator long enough to attract another animal. The predator will be distracted by the new animal on the scene and this will allow the frog time enough to escape.

Frogs are even known to have different dialects that allow them to recognize their own species. In addition, the red eyed tree frog can distinguish the call of frogs that are a part of their community. Frogs have very well developed hearing to enable them to pick up the nuances of communication from other frogs.