Link to Us

Submit your link to us and we will consider you as our “Link Partner”. We only accept frog, amphibian, reptile and pet related sites.

1. Link To Us

Thank you for linking to our site using the following text link before you submit to us:

Red Eyed Tree Frog – Care sheet and information on red eyed tree frogs pet care, habitat, vivarium, food, health, breeding and tree frog buying tips.


Copy and paste the following code into your HTML page.

<a href=””>Red Eyed Tree Frog</a> – Care sheet and information on red eyed tree frogs pet care, habitat, vivarium, food, health, breeding and tree frog buying tips.

2. Submit Your Link To Us By Email Us The Following Information

Site Title:
Email Address:
Reciprocal Link Location (where our link is on your site):

3. We Will Add Your Link If Your Site Is Accepted By Us